Heartwood Photography

Penelope Partridge


Heartwood Photography offers documentary style wedding photography that focuses on capturing the story and essence of your special day. Penelope has commercially photographed everything from food to perfume to high school seniors to whales in Alaska. Whales are amazing, but authentic people are still her favorite. Penelope and her team will work with you to capture the authenticity of your wedding and document the narrative of your day as it unfolds naturally.

Read more about her and book an appointment now at her website.

β€œThe support I received from the E4E training program helped me bring a dream I had carried for over 10 years to life. I needed to take the next steps in my career, but I didn't know how, I was lost. With the training, community and mentorship I was connected to in E4E, I formed a thriving small business that has and is still supporting me. I learned to manage my finances and became the first person in my family to purchase a home on my own, and am now pursuing a Master's degree to take my career even further... I am now mentoring other people who are also experiencing career changes.

This training came at a critical fork in the road that could have gone in many directions, but because of the incredible support I received, I went towards my goals and dreams. I mean this very seriously. In E4E, I was given confidence and resiliency to help promote good and practical choices, things I had not had a lot of incite around due to an extreme lack of family support from a young age. There is nothing as powerful as being a part of a reliable team of hard-working people who are all working together to grow and motivate one another for the next phase of their lives. The work that happens in this program gives resiliency to our entire community by connecting people with high-quality training, and most importantly... each other. I hope that many more people experiencing life-altering career changes can look to this program for support.”

- Penelope Partridge, owner of Heartwood Photography and E4E graduate.