River Birch Farms

Bob and Kirsten Simmons


River Birch Farms offers papered and crossbred Gotland sheep, Alpacas, and registered Angora and Kinder goats, as well as natural products such as raw and processed wool, locks, roving and millspun and handspun yarn, felted art, DIY felting kits, goat milk soap/lotion, hand sanitizer, Christmas trees/boughs, biodynamically grown seasonal market garden produce and micro greens, and DIY Microgreens kits. They offer online courses and hands-on classes that teach valuable homestead skills helping people to pivot to pasture – to move from the city to the country, or bring “country” to the city.



Learning how to intentionally define a business plan was invaluable. I especially appreciated the finance section and learning more about effective planning for cash flow and budgeting.”

-Kirsten Simmons, co-owner of River Birch Farms and graduate of E4E.