Mel O’Soup

Mel Bilodeau

Mel Bilodeau, the owner and steam behind Mel O'Soup, has been perfecting recipes for over a decade. She is passionate about creating mind-blowing delicious soup with all organic and as local-as-possible ingredients. Using fresh local vegetables, minimal water and just a few other ingredients derived only from BPA-free cans, Mel offers soups that everyone, including people with food sensitivities, can enjoy.

Check her Facebook page to find out where you can find her soups.

Enterprise for Equity taught me a lot of business magic tricks (like how important marketing and networking are), which I happily share with other entrepreneurs. I have a fondness for the gentle and strong ways the teachers guided us in the class and also encouraged us to keep our individuality. As someone who is very involved in the local community, I really appreciated that Enterprise for Equity encouraged me to connect with other business (even similar ones), and the understanding that this approach benefits everybody. There are many resources out there for small businesses. You can be a successful entrepreneur, too.

- Mel Bilodeau, owner of Mel O'Soup and graduate of E4E.